Sunday, 30 June 2013

Unfinished business

This weekend I decided to sort through my "collection" paper stash - i.e. paper sets bought together to make a layout, yet never touched since unpacking it from the shopping bag... Needless to say, it was quite the exercise. And I am afraid I cannot reveal just how many kits there are that need to be created. Some things are better left unsaid.
Feeling a little bit guilty, I then tackled the unfinished kits. I am happy to report that there were not nearly as many as the "purpose bought paper" packs! So with all the sorting done, I closed my eyes and randomly pulled an unfinished kit out of the pile.

This is a mini album we did at a scrapbooking convention I attended quite some time ago. The album was made with small brown envelopes, bound to form a book, and Graphic 45 paper (Tropical Travelogue Collection).


 I think this album was left in the "unfinished business" pile because I did not have the slightest idea which pictures to use with the tropical island themed paper. I have never been to such an island, and I am not planning on going to one soon, either... But I was determined to finish it, and that is precisely what I did.

One down. Many, many more to go!

Friday, 21 June 2013

A big thank you

Our Retreat in Yzerfontein was a HUGE success! Thank you to everyone who attended, worked behind the scenes, and sponsored us - you all helped to make the event really special.

We had a wonderfully creative weekend, where the ladies completed three projects (a double page layout, a mini album and a box containing cards and gift tags) and two bonus projects (cards and Tim Holtz inspired tags). I will post a few pictures of the projects in the days to come.

However, today I would like to thank our generous sponsors for their contribution to our goodie bags, lucky draws and snacks for the weekend. Without their generosity, our weekend would have been quite different...

You can help us show your appreciation by supporting the following companies whenever you get the opportunity:




Sunday, 9 June 2013

Alhambra, Spain

This layout was something I created "just for fun", which is not something I get to do often enough these days. The real beauty of this layout, is that I DID NOT BUY A THING to complete it... It really is amazing what you find once you start going through your stash. Who would've thought?!

This photo was taken years ago in Spain. I love the little fountains in the foreground, and really had fun choosing embellishments that would add little details to the overall picture in the same way that the fountains seem to do to the photograph.

A few close ups: